Zamani Ra


Zamani Ra is a Community Guidance Group member in the ‘Fostering Violence Prevention and Well-Being for Black Women, Families and Communities’ project. She is connected to this research project from a lived experience vantage point. She has both seen and felt the harshness of this intergenerational trauma from both family and external intimate partners.

‍As a skilled trainer/facilitator and a teacher, she is inspired to influence change. She hopes to offer her experience as one way that the violence has manifested in her life, the journey it has taken her on, and the lens that she now has, which informs her current actions in various aspects.

Her goal is to use what she has learned so far, to influence others; particularly parents, to consider their thoughts, behaviours, and actions over future generations.

Zamani enjoys reading about African history, networking, writing, adventures, teaching, playing/dancing to music, watching sports, chilling with friends and family.


Domestic Violence Prevention in Black Communities
Domestic Violence Prevention in Black Communities
Domestic Violence Prevention in Black Communities
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